You are a Federation member of Fitasc
1° - The initial stage consists of entering your identity in the “Identification” frame on the left of the screen. Enter:
- Your login supplied by FITASC
- Your password supplied by FITASC
- Click on “Enter”
2° - You will be automatically transferred to the competition schedule page:
In the list, select the competition you want to enter and click on its name.
3°- Click on the “Registration” tab, and then, after reading the general conditions of registration, tick the box showing that you accept them and click on the “Next” button.
4° - Registering teams:
- Reserve slots for the teams you are entering
- Reserve slots in the respective categories for any extra individual shooters that your Federation wants to enter
- Click on the “Next” button
5° - Select the shooters:
You can come back to the registration pages later, within the period allotted by FITASC, to enter the names of the shooters you have selected, in the slots you have reserved
To put a name in a slot you have reserved: click on ‘select a shooter’, and then select one of the shooters in the list for the corresponding category. If the desired name is not in the list, it is necessary to create the shooter’s card beforehand (See " you are an individual shooter").
To complete the registration procedure, you now have to make your payment.