10, Rue Mederic
75017 Paris FRANCE

Tél. : 33.(0)
Fax : 33.(0)
E-mail : fitasc@fitasc.com

 Welcome on the new Fitasc web site !

We invite every shooter to create or update his(her) new shooter's card on the new web site www.fitasc.com

To create the shooter'sca rd, please click on the button « Entry / Championship» on the left, then in the menu «Create your shooter's card» choose your langage of the form for creating the shooter's card.

The new access codes will be made up of an email address and a password, chosen at your discretion.

  1. If you have a personal email address, please enter it and then chose your password.
  2. If you do not have any personal email address, the site will generate an address like « your_name@fitasc.info ». then chose a password.

    By creating a personal email address « your_name@fitasc.info », you create a personal mailbox, available for consultation on the Fitasc web site.

    After logged on, you will be able to check, from any computer and directly on the Fitasc web site, messages sent by Fitasc and including important information on championships. Please do not forget to log on frequently on our web site to check information !


Fitasc will send you, to the chosen email address :

  • Information on calendars and championships;
  • Dates of entry opening;
  • your entry confirmations;
  • Important information about championships, you have entered;
  • Messages from our donors.

We wish you a nice navigation !