10, Rue Mederic
75017 Paris FRANCE

Tél. : 33.(0)
Fax : 33.(0)
E-mail : fitasc@fitasc.com


We are pleased to inform you of the creation of
the "Central European Trophy 2016" of Compak Sporting,
upon initiative of the Polish (P.S.S.P.), the Hungarian (M.K.V.S.Z.) and the Austrian (A.S.F.) federations.


This trophy concerns 3 competitions of 200 targets of the calendar 2016:

Round 1 Grand Prix of Poland Bydgoszcz 16 - 17 April 2016
Round 2 European Championship Sarlospuszta (HUN) 28 April - 1st May 2016
Round 3 Grand Prix of Austria Neusiedl 28 - 29 May 2016

The rankings of the Central European Trophy are based on the total scores for 2 events (thus out of 400 targets), so both best scores among the 3 events above mentioned.

 The categories taken into account are open, junior, lady, veteran et super-veteran.

The winners of the Central European Trophy shall be awarded during the closing ceremony of the Grand Prix of Austria of Compak Sporting next 29th May 2016 in Neusiedl.