10, Rue Mederic
75017 Paris FRANCE

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E-mail : fitasc@fitasc.com
Historical Review
Shooting with hunting shotguns at live birds or artificial targets has existed since the 17th century, in order to train hunters and to organise competitive sporting events. The first rules governing these activities were laid down in the 19th century. They were used as the basis for the transforming of these games of skill into a sporting activity, which since the second half of the 20th century, has itself becomes a prestigious sport. One of the first sporting associations, officially formed in 1867 in Paris was the Circle of the Skaters in the Wood of Boulogne which was chaired by Prince Joaquin Murat. In the same year in Italy, the Tivoli shooting club was formed; in May 1893 in England, the first sporting shooting association, the Inanimate Bird Shooting Association, was created. Important sporting events were staged at these Clubs where the main participants were from high society, until the First World War.

  Le tir aux Pïgeons de Tivoli : 1830
Le Stand du Cercle du Bois de Boulogne
Tivoli's shooting : 1830
Cercle of the bois de Boulogne's stand : 1867
After the First World War, this sport underwent important changes in many European countries and in the United States. The formation of an International Association became essential in order to bring together national organizations, to harmonize and coordinate the sporting rules, and to supervise their enforcement during international competitions, which culminated in the award of prizes.

Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo's stand : 1912
On June 4th 1921, spurred on by France, the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF HUNTING (UIC) was created in Lausanne, Switzerland. Its registered office was based at 21, rue de Clichy, Paris, France, until 1973. The founder members represented at the first meeting were: South Africa, England, Belgium, Denmark, the United States of America, France, Norway, Netherlands, Romania and Sweden. The goal of this new Federation was to bring together the national groups of the world who practised shooting sports, i.e. live pigeon shooting, clay target shooting and running deer shooting (with bullets), in order to unify their sporting rules.
Justinien Clary
Count Justinien CLARY

The first president from 1921 to 1933 was the Count Justinien Clary. He was the co-founder of the French Olympic Committee, which he holds the presidency of from 1913 to 1933, and was also the President of the Saint-Hubert Club of France from 1903 to 1933. The international sporting rules for all the disciplines of shooting with hunting shotguns were then establish by UIC, who put them into practice in the 1924 Olympic Games, in Paris. Subsequently, the Olympic Committee decided that the disciplines of shooting with hunting shotguns would no longer form part of the Olympic Games’ program. The UIC then organized under its own auspices, the International Championships, if practicable annually, in countries requesting them. From 1929 to 1939, the Olympic Trench World Championships took place annually; the European championships took place in 1933, 1938 and in 1940. As for live pigeon shooting, annual World championships were organized between 1930 and 1940. Upon the death of the Count Clary in 1933, the Presidency of the Federation passed to Mr Maurice Faure, under whose Presidency the last championships were held before the Second World War. At the general assembly in 1938, the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF HUNTING (UIC) became LA FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE TIR AUX ARMES SPORTIVES DE CHASSE (FITASC) as it is still known to this day. It gathered together 27 national organizations divided into three sporting sections: live pigeon shooting, clay target shooting and shooting with rifles.


FITASC’s sporting activities slowed down during the Second World War and Mr Maxime Ducrocq, its Honorary President oversaw the federation’s running until 1947. On the 30th November 1947 at the general assembly of San Remo, he was elected President of the Federation. From this point in time onwards, competitive shooting with hunting shotguns made new in roads into the international circuit. ...

arrow Clay target shooting :

In an attempt to try and reintroduce clay pigeon shooting as an Olympic discipline for the 1948 games, FITASC decided in 1947, to entrust the disciplines of Olympic Trench and Running Deer to the International Union of Shooting, the latter already being affiliated to the International Olympic Committee for the disciplines of shooting with rifled barrel weapons (pistols and rifles).

The Federation, by then 13 national groups strong, organized European championships in 1947, 1951 and 1952.

However, in 1950, the affiliated federation members of both international organizations acknowledge that the majority did not feel that the system adopted in 1947 was satisfactory.

In fact, the International Union of Shooting at that time set up the following:
- Only one World championship every four years, limiting the participation to only 5 shooters per nation,
- and, in alternate four years periods, the Olympic events, limiting the participation to only 2 shooters per nation

FITASC’s General Assembly in 1951 instructed its president, the Hon. Count. of Gouvion Saint-Cyr, to do his utmost to restart annual international clay pigeon championships under the aegis of the federation. With this aim in view, it became necessary to come to some kind of understanding with the International Shooting Union.

In 1952 both Federations reached an agreement. FITASC was once again in charge of organising annual European championships; sixteen were held under its aegis between 1952 and 1968 in the discipline of Olympic Trench, and fourteen in the discipline of Skeet between1954 and 1968 (a new discipline created a few years earlier).

Since 1939, these disciplines had been in decline and FITASC gave rise to a resurgence in the sport of clay target shooting by creating many other international events, such as the Cup of Nations, which was contested annually between 1956 and 1968. Thanks to the adoption and the implementation of the principle of “open” championships, not limiting the number of individual participants per nation, the number of affiliated countries and the number of shooters taking part in the international events increased considerably in the following years.

In 1966, the federation had 43 affiliated national groups, which represented 40 countries from four continents. Collaboration between FITASC and UIT continued until 1969, in accordance with the 1952 agreement. From then on, the UIT was entrusted with both Olympic disciplines on a permanent basis. The dedication to trying to bring both organisations closer together was further boosted by a new agreement in 1981, spurred on by their presidents MM. Olegario Vasquez-Ranaof from the UIT and Pierre Etienne Guyot of FITASC.

Lasting links of co-operation were thus established for the benefit of all followers of the disciplines of shooting with hunting shotguns. Thus the agreement of 1981 ensured perfect harmony between the organizations in charge of, on the one hand Olympic disciplines, and on the Other hand, those overseeing non Olympic disciplines. In the years that followed, FITASC developed other clay target shooting sporting disciplines: Firstly, Universal Trench (trench with 5 machines), then Sporting, Shooting with the Helice (ZZ) and finally Compak Sporting, whilst continuing the sport of the live pigeon shooting which dated back to 1921.