10, Rue Mederic
75017 Paris FRANCE

Tél. : 33.(0)
Fax : 33.(0)
E-mail : fitasc@fitasc.com
You need to set up a shooter card in order to register
I already have my shooter's card
I already have my shooter's card

If you have forgotten your password, fill in the "email address" field in the "Identification" section, then click on "Forgotten password".

If you have forgotten your access codes, please contact the FITASC.

Create your shooter's card
Create your shooter's card

Before filling in your shooter's card, please ensure that one has not already been created.

Choose the language of your shooter's card:

Allemand Anglais Espagnol Français Italien Portugais
You are a Federation member of Fitasc
You are a Federation member of Fitasc
Choose your language
Allemand Anglais Espagnol Français Italien Portugais
You are an individual shooter
You are an individual shooter
Choose your language
Allemand Anglais Espagnol Français Italien Portugais