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New shooting Organisation in Compak Sporting


The OGA date 14th August 2012 approved the new shooter turn-round system at Compak Sporting which will come into force as from January 1st, 2013. Henceforth, there will be two possible types of shooting organization for Compak Sporting, depending on the type of competition, i.e. the old and new systems.

The new shooter turn-round system is based upon getting rid of the six-shooter squads, so only the actual shooting time multiplied by the number of shooters need be taken into account.

With the new system, shooting never stops from the first shooter to the last one of the day except for the time needed to reload the machines.

The new system works with either with manual refereeing or electronic refereeing.
The electronic refereeing, which is the only way to make score collecting and transmission reliable, by getting rid of the paper score sheets (which lead to complaints, disputes and even errors that can be prejudicial to the calculation of the final result) will be initiated and developed.

With the new method and depending on the type of competition, lots could be drawn or shooters could shoot in the order in which they entered, so they could enter members of their family or friends one after the other.

Please find below the animation illustrating the new shooting organization method for Compak Sporting:








Please find below the shooting tables according to this new method, depending on the number of days of competition and on the number of Compak:


2 days & 4 Compak
3 days & 4 Compak
4 days & 4 Compak
2 days & 8 Compak
3 days & 8 Compak
4 days & 8 Compak